Want to add personalization to one of the current Equestrian Lifestyle designs?
A barn name, your name, or your horse’s name?
Do you have a design idea that you would like to add to the Equestrian Lifestyle Collection?
Or maybe you would like to showcase your idea of the Equestrian Lifestyle. Reining, Eventing, Jumping, Barrels??
We can make that happen!
Send us your vision and we will come up with a unique design, or add your personalization.
Here are a few examples of custom designs
This custom hoodie features the horse Bensons’ show name and year of birth on the back and has an Equestrian Lifestyle design on the upper left chest
All created designs remain the property of Equestrian Lifestyle Clothing. The designs can not be reproduced or sold without permission.
Designs used and sold by other brands of clothing will not be reproduced. A unique design can be created .
Sale of customized items are final.